And my has times a' changed him.
<Here is a picture of Chris Brown in 2008 endorsing Wrigley's gum, who pulled him from their campaign after his assault on then girlfriend, Rhianna.

Brown as of March 22 on the set of Good Morning America >>
Notice any differences? He definitely gained weight right? Um NO. He actually gained like 30 pounds in TATTOOS and decided to bleach his hair like he's Sisqo in the Thong Song.
More importantly is what happened during and after his interview with Robin Roberts on GMA. Roberts (apparently foolishly) asked Brown about his incident with Rhianna during their conversation, which apparently set the guy off. After making it through the rest of his interview and performance (though "appearing agitated"), he turned into The Incredible Hulk wreaking havoc on the GMA dressing room.
How does C Brown NOT expect to have to answer questions about the whole Rhianna fiasco for the rest of his life? Magazines STILL print stories about the Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt/Angeline Jolie love triangle.
And when we're not reading about the Brangelina/Aniston triangle or the Rhianna/Chris Brown fiasco, we will likely read about The Incredible ChrisBrown Hulk or whatever other .
I guess it doesn't matter how "old news" you are, you can still come back from your one-hit wonder or after you beat your girl friend, like Bobby Brown. Err nevermind.
Anyways, speaking of comebacks, I hope to see a comeback album from Aqua next.
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